Please make sure that you take away the food and water the night before at around 12:00 midnight (or before). Also, please bring a small amount of food with you the following morning during check in.
Spay / Neuter procedures for your cat / dog will most likely have a discharge time between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. For other surgical procedures, your pet may be discharged at a later time however, this will all be discussed at check in.
We highly recommend pet insurance as it can help protect the owner from unexpected costs during an emergency.
There are two ways to schedule appointments. You could give our office a call and one of our team members will be happy to help book that appointment for you. Also, we do have an app that is free to download which allows pet parents to request appointments for their pets!
For your convenience we accept debit, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. We do not accept payment over the phone for security purpose. We do not have payment plan options within clinic.
There are two ways to register with out hospital! First, you could give us a call, schedule an appointment and we will collect the necessary information about your pet’s health and your contact information. Also, you could call our clinic and we can guide you through the information we will need prior to your appointment! Please allow for additional servicing time if we are seeing your pet for the first time, as we want to make sure we have the accurate information regarding your pet’s health and how to contact you.
We are located at 840 Kingsway Avenue S.E. Across the street from Mr.Lube and Sports Connection.
Yes, patients are seen by appointment to ensure we cover the entire health needs of your pet.
Our hours of operation are M-F 8:00am to 6:00pm and Saturdays 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you would like to inquire regarding services please give us a call at 403-529-2525.
*Please Note:Due to COVID-19 our hours of operation may have changed. We kindly ask that you call the clinic and to receive the most recent update.