Microchipping is a great way to identify your pet. Even if your pet breaks its collar, he or she will continue to carry their microchip with them wherever they go. Just remember that the microchip is not a GPS. It will not tell you where your pet is, however, if found and scanned, the contact information that you have provided at the time of registration will help get your pet back to you!
Many pets end up in shelters or rescues every year. Some of them are voluntarily surrendered, however, some of these are just adventurous pets that wandered a little too far from home, or maybe broke their collar, or accidentally snuck out from under the fence! A permanent form of identification for your pet will help ensure they make their way back to you. You will also be provided with a tag that you can place on your pet’s collar. This will allow anyone that doesn’t have a microchip reader to still access your contact information to get your dog back to you, where they belong.
Microchipping is as easy as administering vaccines. The chip is inserted between the shoulder blade area and can be done as part of an appointment, just let us know! You will be asked to fill out a registration form and your pet will be registered under your name!
In some countries, a microchip is a mandatory requirement for traveling with a pet like a dog or a cat. Microchip helps identify pets that in travel along with their owner and contact information. Although we still name our pets, the regulatory bodies which govern pet travel always prefer to identify by unique number to make sure they have the right pet!